The pace has been steady since my last update in December.� System Navigation has been involved in a number of events, both large and small, benefitting both survivors and professionals in the field.� February featured a workshop for professionals with Dr. Carolyn Lemsky, neuropsychologist with Community Head Injury Resource Services in Toronto, and director of the Brain Injury and Substance Use (SUBI) bridging project.� The demand for this event was incredible and we reached capacity at 120 attendees from across the region and from many different agencies.� The day focused on the interplay between brain injury, addictions, and mental health, including some very practical ways to help those facing these challenges.� The day included opportunities to network and collaborate with other professionals, connections which hopefully will continue into the future. In March, Pathways to Independence and System Navigation co-sponsored the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Therapist Certificate Course, based on the curriculum from McMaster University.� Thirty-four people attended the intensive four day training, most staff from Pathways and Community Brain Injury Services.� A grateful thanks to Pathways ABI Manager Laurie Baker for organizing this opportunity. March also featured a day of �Humour, Hope, and Happiness� with special guest Lois McElravy.� Over 150 brain injury survivors and their families joined us for this special event.� Lois instilled her message of hope and perseverance and encouraged the audience to remember that although a brain injury may bring certain challenges, it doesn�t mean you have to stop living your life to it�s fullest. In addition to these larger events, System Navigation was also able to provide smaller brain injury training opportunities to the community, including Helen Henderson Care Home staff, Long Term Care Activation Coordinators, Mobile Response Team staff, and the St. Elizabeth Healthcare Skills Day.� It is always a pleasure to meet frontline staff and support them in the work they do.� If you are aware of a need for training or information about brain injury, please get in touch!� -Rachael |
Navigator Update Spring 2014
Providing a Point of Entry for ABI Services Throughout Southeastern Ontario |
System Navigator: Rachael Henry Phone: (613) 547-6969 ext. 165 Email: Community Brain Injury Services 303 Bagot Street, LaSalle Mews, Suite 401 , Kingston, Ontario K7K 5W7 |
This June brain injury survivors, family, friends, and service providers will be joining together for brain injury awareness walks throughout Southeastern Ontario.� Contact your local office to join in a walk in your home community! Brockville: June 11� from 10 am�1 pm at Hardy Park Contact Laurie Ogilvie 613-342-1613 ext. 1 Kingston: June 11 from 10 am�1 pm at Lake Ontario Park Contact Joni Hartman 613-547-6969 ext. 128 Belleville: June 28 from 9 am�1 pm at Zwick's Park.� To sign yourself up or sponsor a walker in Belleville you can visit the website |
�Local Update |
Walk With Us! |
Visit Us Online! |
Launching the Post Concussion Action Group |
Traditionally, Community Brain Injury Services have focused on the needs of people with moderate and severe brain injuries.� More recently, however, attention is being drawn to the needs of those with milder injuries and post-concussive syndrome.� Due to this need for service, we will be partnering with local health services across southeastern Ontario to offer the �Post-Concussion Action� Group for those who struggle with post-concussion symptoms for more than 3 months.� The group will be available across the region through the services of the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN), a confidential and secure web portal for video conferencing.� Group members will be able to attend an OTN site in their own community, often their own doctor�s office, and join with other group members from other communities. This format has been used successfully by many other groups throughout the province. The group will cover topics such as concussion symptoms, recovery, strategies, goal setting, emotional wellbeing, and how to access supports.�� The series will be facilitated by Rachael Henry, SEO ABI System Navigator, and Dr. Martin Logan, Neuropsychologist, with the Community Brain Injury Services.� For more information about accessing this service please contact the Community Brain Injury Services. |