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Although most individuals with a concussion will make a quick recovery, research shows that approximately 1 in 10 will continue to experience symptoms long term and may have trouble meeting the demands of daily life.  Traditionally, Community Brain Injury Services have focused on the needs of people with moderate and severe brain injuries, but in recent times have found an increasing demand for services after concussion.  Due to this need, they will be partnering with local health services across southeastern Ontario to offer the  Post Concussion Action Group for those who continue to struggle with concussion symptoms for 3 months or more after an injury.  The group will be available across the region through the services of the Ontario Telemedicine Network (OTN), a confidential and secure web portal for video conferencing.  Group members will be able to attend an OTN site in their own community, often their own doctor’s office, and join with other group members from other communities. This format has been used successfully by many other groups throughout the province. The group will cover topics such as concussion symptoms, recovery, strategies, goal setting, emotional wellbeing, and how to access supports.   The series will be facilitated by Rachael Henry, ABI System Navigator, and Dr. Martin Logan, Neuropsychologist with the Community Brain Injury Services.  Please contact the office for more information at 1-800-871-8096.