When Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), Addictions and/or Mental Health Overlap
The Southeastern Ontario (SEO) ABI (Acquired Brain Injury) and Addictions/Mental Health Collaborative is a group of service providers who meet monthly to hear about people who meet specified criteria and are believed to be at risk.
High Risk definition: “individuals or families facing a number of risk factors that affect multiple areas of the individual’s life and in all likelihood will lead to something bad happening and happening soon. These could include individuals that may be at risk of doing harm to others, becoming a victim, relapsing on a treatment plan, and/or ending up on the street.”
There is a Collaborative for each of the three regions of the Southeast Local Health Integration Network (SE LHIN): HPE, KFLA and LLG. The Collaboratives were established to provide a mechanism for addressing the needs of people with moderate to severe ABI and a complicated by addictions and/or mental illness. Collaborative members are representatives of (government-funded) ABI, Addictions, and Mental Health and related services across SEO. The Collaborative members talk about what services they are able to offer with the goal of reducing the risk and assisting with the provision of treatment, rehabilitation and support services.
A list of the kinds of referral situations the sister ABI/MHA Collaboratives in LLG and KFLA have addressed:
- Housing (preparing for discharge from hospital, or eviction from current housing, or shelter as permanent address)
- Referral for neuropsychiatry, Diagnosis for Mental Health, medication and Mental Health community supports
- Supports for diabetes when in community
- Respite/Supports for family members
- Transportation
- Supports in community for addiction to alcohol and/or street drugs
- Medication compliance
- Financial Vulnerability
Please note, referrals are only accepted from Service Providers and with written consent of individual. A referral requires completed Referral Form and Consent Form specific to the region.
Service Provider:
- Select region where client will receive service.
- Make note on Consent Information Sheet of any additional service providers to invite to collaborative.
- Fax completed forms to the attention of :
Michelle Pangilinan, SEO ABI System Navigator
Re: SEO ABI Addictions/Mental Health Collaborative
FAX: 613-547-6472
FAQs for ABI/MHA Collaboratives
Please complete both Consent and Referral Forms, indicating the appropriate regional Collaborative; Hastings and Prince Edward Counties (HPE), Kingston, Frontenac and Lennox & Addington (KFLA), or Lanark, Leeds and Grenville (LLG)
Once the System Navigator receives the Referral and Consent Forms, the referring agency will be contacted regarding the referral.
For more information about the ABI and Addictions/Mental Health Collaboratives:
Michelle Pangilinan
SEO ABI System Navigator
613-347-6969 ext. 37165
Fax: 613-547-6472