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Reference in this section are geared towards primary care providers and clinicians who are supporting patients in their concussion recovery.



The Management of Persistent Post-Concussion Symptoms: A Review of Updated Guidelines – 1 hour webcast from Ontario Health Sciences North Clinicians.


Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation

Guideline for Concussion/Mild Traumatic Brain Injury & Persistent Symptoms 3rd Edition for Adults over 18 years of age: The guideline was published in June 2018 and is now in it’s third edition.

Three new features are:

  • Patient and family version for each section of the guideline
  • Indication for certain recommendations, of the evidence level being upgraded from the previous edition.
  • An interactive and searchable platform

Guidelines for Diagnosing and Managing Pediatric Concussion – Best practice guidelines for children aged 5 – 18. This guideline was developed to enable healthcare practitioners to identify and treat youth and children (aged 18 and under) experiencing persistent symptoms following a concussion/mTBI. The guideline was also developed with intent to educate parents and individuals working in community settings with children and youth who have sustained concussion/mTBI. The pediatric guideline is currently being updated; the new edition will be published in 2019.

Evidence-based Review of Acquired Brain Injury (ERABI): is an evidence-based review of the literature for rehabilitation or rehabilitation-related interventions for acquired brain injury (ABI). The principle of ERABI is to improve the quality of ABI rehabilitation by synthesizing the current literature into a utilizable format and laying the foundation for effective knowledge transfer to improve programs and services.


McMaster University CanChild Centre 

Concussion Management Guidelines for Children, Infants and Toddlers – Guidelines including children under age 5.


US Center for Disease Control

Concussion “Heads Up” for Physicians – Online tool-kit for physicians including evaluation measures.

Concussion “Heads Up” Online Course for Clinicians – Online course providing concussion education.


Motor Accident Authority of New South Wales, Australia

Guidelines for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Following Closed Head Injury Acute/Post-acute Assessment and Management



 Concussion Service Pathway for Southeastern Ontario

Coming Soon!