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I’m very pleased to announce that we’ll be offering two important workshops this fall with Janet M. Cromer, RN, MA, LMHC, Certified Compassion Fatigue Educator.  Janet brings the unique perspective of healthcare professional and family caregiver to discuss how we can all care for ourselves a little better, whether as professionals or family members.  Janet will be providing two workshops, the first for professionals entitled “Stop Working on Empty! Resiliency Training for ABI Rehabilitation Professionals and Developing Resiliency in Family Caregivers” on Wednesday Oct. 24, 2012, and the second for family and friends of survivors called “Compassion Fatigue: When Caring Hurts the Caregiver” on Thursday Oct. 25, 2012. 

For those of you engaged in the act of caring for others in any capacity these are essential skills!  By caring for ourselves we also make ourselves stronger and more resilient in the caregiving journey.  Make time for yourself and register in our Upcoming Events section!