It can be common to experience some symptoms of anxiety following concussion. The disruptions that occur in the brain following concussion can upset the usual balance of brain chemistry and though processes. If you have had an incident in your past that caused you trauma or anxiety, you may find that these things trouble you once again. In severe cases, an individual may develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD. The good news is that there are a number of techniques that can help you manage the symptoms of anxiety.
Some examples of anxiety:
- Feelings of worry or unease that don’t go away
- Intense focus on health and concussion symptoms
- Being easily overwhelmed and unable to cope
- Sense of panic
- Physical symptoms triggered by worry such as shortness of breath, shakiness, racing heart, becoming flushed
- Desire to avoid or withdraw from certain situations
- Don’t worry if your symptoms don’t go away over night, remember that concussion takes time to recover from.
- Take deep breaths if you feel anxiety increasing.
- Learn a progressive relaxation exercise (you can search online to find lots) to help both your mind and body relax.
- Find a dimly lit, quiet place, and listen to music.
- Find a phrase to calm yourself with. Write it down and carry it with you.
- Get fresh air and exercise as much as you can tolerate.
- Simplify your life for a while, don’t take on more than you can handle right now.
- Find someone to talk to such as a counselor or social worker
- Use these techniques frequently and even at times your not feeling anxious for best results.
Links for More Tips – click on titles to go to these sites:
Self Help Strategies for Anxiety
9 Ways to Reduce Anxiety Right Now
Managing Crises and Stress Effectively
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