We want to hear your story!

What has your experience of brain injury been? As a professional, we tend to provide research about the brain and talk about approaches to rehabilitation. This is important, but what is equally important is hearing what the experience of brain injury is like for those who live it each day…

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Bringing Brain Injury Education to Your Community

System Navigation invites community service providers and frontline staff to attend “Top 10 Challenges to Meeting Brain Injury Survivors’ Needs”. Brain injury doesn’t discriminate, and so the challenges of living with a brain injury can turn up in just about any place on earth. For community professionals trying to help people in their daily lives adding a brain injury into the mix can cause confusion and frustration for all involved.

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System Navigation is Online!

It’s been a long time coming, and here we are! I am so pleased to welcome you to the website of ABI System Navigation of Southeastern Ontario. I would like to start by introducing myself, Rachael Henry, the System Navigator…

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Factoring in Fatigue

Fatigue is a common symptom that lingers following a brain injury. For some it is occasional days where they don’t feel up to snuff, while for others it is an ongoing struggle to attend to the tasks of daily life. Ignoring it doesn’t help, only causing other symptoms to be amplified. Sometimes this will lessen over time, but when it lingers, what should you do?

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