Font Size » Larger | Smaller Family Support Needs ABI System Navigation of Southeastern Ontario is publicly funded to support those affected by brain injury, assess unmet needs, and develop solutions. We are currently investigating possibilities to offer support to caregivers and family members of brain injury survivors. With the exception of the Belleville area, there are very few options currently available. With your feedback, we will focus our efforts on what matters most to you! "Support" is anything that might help you to manage better. It can include things like respite, groups, counsellors, and more.What is your relationship to a brain injury survivor? Parent Spouse Child Where do you reside? (Closest city, town, or village)Do you currently receive or participate in any formal supports? Yes No If yes, please describe.Do you feel you could benefit from more support? Yes No If Yes, specify how:Support GroupsWould you be interested in a support group in your area? Yes No How far would you be willing to travel to attend a support group? KMHow often would you be able to attend? Would there be reasons that you may not participate? Online SupportWould you be interested in online forms of support? Click all that apply. Facebook group Chat forum Email mailing list Would there be reasons that you may not participate? Peer SupportWould you be interested in forming a relationship on a one-to-one basis for peer support? Yes No Would you prefer a particular format to meet? Face to face Telephone Email Would there be reasons that you may not participate? Are there any other ways that you would like support as a family member/caregiver? Name - Optional First Last Email - Optional Phone - OptionalWould you like to receive emails regularly regarding events, or opportunities for support? Yes No Would you like someone to contact you to talk further? Yes No Any further questions or comments: Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. Click "Submit" and you're done! Δ Recommend on FacebookShare on google plusShare on LinkedinPin it on pinterestTweet about itPrint for laterBookmark in BrowserTell a friend