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If you’re caring for someone and you need support or have care questions, here is a list of provincial resources for caregivers. Some resources are specific to ABI, others are general resources for caregivers

Coping with brain injury: Caregiver Guide from Ottawa Hospital

Coping with brain injury - A guide for patients

Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia Supporting the Supporter Series For family and caregivers.

Brain Injury Association of Nova Scotia: Halifax Charity and Not for Profit  Groups -

This six-session program is designed to assist family and caregivers in exploring your role, acknowledge how your life has changed, and provide you with strategies for managing challenges while connecting with others with similar experiences. We have offered this series both in-person and online. While this series has completed, the videos are still available for you to watch, and learn for free! WATCH NOW on YouTube.

Ontario Caregiver Support Organization (OCO)/l’Organisme De Soutien Aux Aidants Naturels De L’Ontario

While these programs are not focused on Brain Injury, they are connecting and supporting caregivers.

The Ontario Caregiver Support Organization (OCO) is dedicated to supporting Ontario’s 3.3 million caregivers: ordinary people who provide physical and emotional support to a family member. , a spouse, a friend or a neighbor. The OCO supports caregivers by being their one stop shop for information, so they have what they need to be successful in their role. Resources available in English and in French

Helpline - Ontario Caregiver Organization

Ontario Caregiver Support Organization Ontario Caregiver – Ontario Caregiver Organization

Resources and education for caregivers. Young Caregivers – Young Caregivers Connect

3,3 millions d’aidants naturels de l’Ontario : des personnes ordinaires qui apportent un soutien physique et émotionnel à un membre de leur famille, un conjoint, un ami ou un voisin. Nous soutenons les aidants en étant leur guichet unique d’accès à l’information, afin qu’ils aient ce dont ils ont besoin pour réussir dans leur rôle.

Ressources et éducation pour les aidants naturels.

Site Web pour Jeunes aidants naturels branchés